Living Maya/CIELO July Newsletter

What's New?


Thanks to our supporters, CIELO was able to fund a scholarship for her to attend professional cooking school. We’re happy to announce she graduated in March! We are incredibly proud of Mely’s hard work and determination in completing her gastronomy studies. To pay her scholarship forward, while in school she led five workshops in Quixaya, teaching the community how to prepare nutritious and locally sourced dishes. Mely plans to continue providing classes and support community nutrition. Thank you again to those who helped fund her scholarship! This would not have been possible without your contributions and support.

Watch Mely's video message below!


We are thrilled to announce that we’ve connected Quixaya to electricity, thanks to the generous support from the Re:Earth grant! This new development is a significant milestone for the community, opening up numerous opportunities for growth and development. With a reliable power supply, Quixaya will be able to provide enhanced educational opportunities. The electricity connection has already allowed for night-time classes, as well as the use of electric kitchen appliances and power tools. It will also enable on-site computer and wifi use in the future.  We are excited to see how this transformation will benefit everyone in the community.


We’re very happy to introduce two new members joining the CIELO team this summer! We are joined by our new Community Coordinator, Elizabeth (Maya Kaqchikel pa Chi Jay). Liz studies Indigenous Environmental Science at Brown University, where she is a Garden Caretaker and Coordinator at the Simmons Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice. She also leads Of The Land Collective, a group that redirects land care opportunities and employment to Indigenous environmental professionals and highlights their work. She is a land care enthusiast, gardener, cook, and weaver.

Thanks to our partnership with Greencheck, we are joined by Jennipher Dolinski, a Venezuelan human rights defender, gender equality advocate and social entrepreneurship mentor. She is a Liberal Arts student, with diplomas in human rights documentation and communication for peace. Jennipher will be working with CEPC Toliman on strategic planning toward achieving their 2030 vision of transforming Quixaya into an auto-sufficient community.

We are so excited to have them both on the team!


Since our last newsletter, CEPC Toliman has held 5 workshops focused on strengthening tilapia cultivation, exchanging agroecology knowledge, general nutrition, cooking with local plants, and wildlife. One important workshop held by Mely highlighted the use of local cacao in foods and desserts. The workshop covered all aspects of cacao processing, from cleaning, drying, and toasting the beans to milling them into a chocolate paste for a delicious cake enjoyed among the attendees. Thank you Mely for your lovely workshop!


We are excited to share that the first batch of Living Maya Destiny cards is almost sold out! If you haven’t yet purchased your set, now is the perfect time to do so. These beautifully crafted cards celebrate the rich cosmovision of Maya people and have been a huge hit among our supporters and online community members. As we prepare for the next production, we are looking to collaborate with local printers and distributors in Guatemala or Mexico. Our goal is to support regional businesses and ensure that the creation of these cards benefits the local economy. If you know any reputable printers or distributors in these areas, we would love to hear from you!

Order your Living Maya Destiny cards here!

Thank you!

The CIELO Team

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Opening: Community Manager

We’re looking for someone to join our team and help launch a project rooted in Maya culture and spirituality. Please help us share with anyone who might fit the description!

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