Building paradise, thanks to you!

Dear Friend,

Thanks to your support, CEPC Tolimán has blossomed into a flourishing community permaculture center — run entirely by and for indigenous Maya people. Here are some recent updates:

CEPC Toliman Updates

1. Community Center Staff

In February, CIELO started funding CEPC Tolimán's first full-time staff member. This is a huge impact, especially as the number of young people leaving the community in search for a better future has recently been increasing. Thanks to your support, we are able to provide meaningful employment for indigenous youth within the community. Jose Francisco is in charge of maintaining the permaculture center and all of its productive systems (food forest, aquaculture, plant nursery, animals, etc). Currently, 20% of his salary comes from our monthly donors -- please consider becoming one to help make up the rest.

1 min message from CEPC's first staff member:

2. Permaculture Workshops

CEPC has continued to host ecological training workshops for local people. Recent workshops have included training for farmers (May), a food processing workshop for women (June), and a permaculture workshop for youth (August). CEPC will continue to host workshops throughout the end of this year, specifically focusing on strengthening alternative opportunities for young people through ecotourism and permaculture.

Recent permaculture workshop in August. Check out more photos.

3. Work-exchange program: livestock for local farmers

CEPC has started donating livestock to farmers in exchange for time spent planting trees in the nursery. So far, CEPC has provided 850 tilapia, 2 goats, 10 chickens, and 5 ducks to farmers in their permaculture training program.

It has been so beautiful to witness CEPC Tolimán grow over the years. We can't thank you enough for being a part!



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Opening: Community Manager

We’re looking for someone to join our team and help launch a project rooted in Maya culture and spirituality. Please help us share with anyone who might fit the description!

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